Basics of Battery Energy Storage

SHARE: County officials are increasingly being asked to approve Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) projects in their communities. As such, the Center has deemed it prudent to increase awareness of current BESS ordinances and industry standards, whether for standalone facilities or accessory uses on existing solar and wind projects. Center staff has reviewed ordinances, where […]
8 Principles to Consider for Appropriate Renewable Energy System Setbacks

SHARE: As policymakers consider renewable energy projects, the success of these initiatives often hinges on the thoughtful consideration of setbacks, which are essential for integrating these projects within local communities and environments. Setbacks specify the distance between a system and the residences, rights-of-way, and other areas of importance to the locality. Here are eight top […]
What is a Moratorium and is it Really Necessary?

SHARE: A renewable energy moratorium is defined as a complete ban on wind or solar development in a community. While the moratorium is in effect, construction of new projects is prohibited and applications seeking approval for future projects are usually not accepted; projects that were approved (issued permits) prior to the moratorium start date are […]
7 Steps of a Decommissioning Plan

SHARE: With a typical lifespan of 30 years and with technology and markets changing constantly, it makes sense that operators and governing jurisdictions plan for the inevitable removal of renewable facilities, even as their installation is being planned. While setback, screening and noise concerns might be what most people are focused on when a renewable […]
Economists Warn of Revenue Loss for Farmers; Former Secretary of Agriculture Suggests Diversifying Income

Farming has always been a high-risk enterprise but when farmers do well, rural communities do well, and our nation does well. Renewable energy developments can provide farmers with consistent revenue thereby lowering risk.
Op-Ed: Agriculture and renewables are friends for the future

SHARE: Op-Ed: Agriculture and Renewable Energy are Friends for the Future Mike Johanns, published in the Omaha World-Herald, January 1, 2023 If there is one constant in agriculture, it’s that farmland functions as an investment in family, in our culture, our economy, and in our American way of life. Our farmers and ranchers today have […]
RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS – Best Practices to Protect Private Drainage Systems

SHARE: Introduction Landowners are stewards of their land, and when they support renewable energy projects, their top priority is to ensure that the land will remain arable in the future. Privately controlled drainage systems were implemented throughout Indiana to help increase crop yields and improve soil quality. These systems are important to the long-term health […]
The Center’s View: A review of the Center for Rural Affairs “Decommissioning Solar Energy Systems Resource Guide”

The Center for Infrastructure and Economic Development provides additional guidance on decommissioning to complement the Center for Rural Affairs’ decommissioning resource guide. Introduction The Center for Infrastructure and Economic Development (The Center) believes in policies and projects that balance citizen concerns, energy needs, and that economic benefits from these projects are vital to the prosperity […]